Issue 05

Technology and online learning kept our children’s education on track during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is likely to play an increasingly important role in the future. Unfortunately, more time in cyberspace on internet-connected devices has intensified the risks of online dangers, which is why kids need to be cyber protected.

Help your young family navigate their connected world, safely and securely, with these important tips:

1 Strengthen passwords

Hackers are expert password crackers! Explain this to your child – if they are old enough, get them to create a complex password and if they are still little, set up the password for them. Make sure they know it is a secret to be kept between you!

2 Update systems & anti-virus software

Make sure the operating system, such as Windows, Android or Mac, and anti-virus software loaded onto their device is always up to date. Privacy settings should be on the strictest level for little ones on all devices.

3 Apply parental controls

Parental controls are software tools in devices like phones, smart TVs and computers, as well as search engines and apps. Configure web browsers to ‘safe search’ and apply the parental controls to limit screen time and block certain website content.

4 Create a communal work-at-home space

A dedicated, open area for internet use ensures that adult supervision is usually nearby and helps learners stay focused, while enabling you to keep a discreet eye on their screens. The kitchen or dining room table is a perfect family work space.

5 Teach your kids to be cyber savvy

No safe search filter or parental control is 100% effective, so it is important to teach your children to look after themselves online. Important basics include:

  • Think before you click! Be extra careful of pop-up, social media or email links
  • Set user profiles to ‘private’ so only real friends can gain access to your accounts
  • Don’t share your age, your school or activities with people you don’t know in real life
  • Don’t meet up in person alone with anyone you met online
  • If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or suspicious, report it to a trusted adult
  • Treat people as kindly and respectfully online as you would in person